Information regarding the dutch dictionary

Tiles and letterdistibution

The table below shows the different tiles in this set. It also shows the number of tiles available in each game as well as the frequency of the tile in the dictionary.

Image on board
Quantity in bag
Number of occurences
in every bag
Number of words
containing this letter
Starting with
Words starting with
this letter
2 - -
A 7 471237 54798
B 2 182762 71050
C 2 159943 22195
D 5 350522 43854
E 18 866438 17762
F 2 110990 16692
G 3 287752 60189
H 2 175714 38671
I 4 478997 21928
J 2 310832 6485
K 3 268361 60938
L 3 403177 32400
M 3 204454 42083
N 11 547853 22733
O 6 435296 55909
P 2 229308 52541
Q 1 2945 699
R 5 571895 40226
S 5 521432 90797
T 5 542462 47385
U 3 219830 13568
V 2 153215 62504
W 2 110182 34504
X 1 8390 218
Y 1 15963 309
Z 2 86095 27577

A little help

We try to make the dictionaries as complete as possible. There are a lot of words available for each language. If you think a word is missing, press the green thumb icon when you want to play a word we do not yet have listed. Some unofficial dictionaries also allow for informing us on words that are erroneous. You can then the red thumb icon to inform us about this.

Words with 2 letters

The dictionary contains a lot of words. The box below shows the available words with two letters for this dictionary.

Not available

Words with 3 letters

The dictionary contains a lot of words. The box below shows the available words with three letters for this dictionary.

Not available

Please note that the distribution of the tiles, letters and points is specific to Webfeud. Although there are similarities with Scrabble® and other word games, this distribution is based on the frequencies of the available letters in the dictionaries used withing the game.